Philippine Normal University North Luzon aerial photos and video footage

Philippine Normal University (PNU), as a whole, is known as the National Center for Teacher Education in the Philippines. It offers undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs mainly focused on education, teaching, and related fields. Common courses typically include Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Special Education, Early Childhood Education, and Educational Management.

Philippine Normal University North Luzon (PNUNL) is an internationally recognized & nationally responsive teacher education university specializing in living traditions and indigenous education. Located at Alicia, Isabela. For up-to-date and accurate information about PNU North Luzon campus, you should visit the official university website or their location that can provide recent details. The information could include new courses, recent campus developments, faculty research, and student accomplishments. Local news sites or the university’s official social media platforms may also offer the latest updates. Visit Philippine Normal University North Luzon Official Facebook page.

I asked for permission to take photos and videos were taken last May 28, 2021. As you can see that the Innovation Hub building is almost finish construction. At the time I took this drone shot photo and aerial video it was the height of summer in the Philippines. So if you notice that the grass is brown and the plants are dry. There were no students that day because they were on vacation and the school was closed due to the pandemic caused by COVID19. Right now this University is very beautiful because the plants have grown, the trees have also grown, the students have returned and the under construction buildings have been completed.

You can visit Philippine Normal University North Luzon (PNUNL) if you want to know something about the courses you want to take or if you just want to take a walk here. Are you a graduate of this school or have you ever visited it? how was your experience? share in the comments below.

About the author

I love flying drones. If you're interested in my shots, feel free to invite me, and we can fly drones together at your location